During the 2019-2020 School year, I was a participant in the Fifth Year Emerging Artist post-grad educational program. In that program, I became immersed in making monoprints and experimenting with new intaglio and relief work. However, the COVID-19 pandemic forced the program to abruptly stop in early March and access to the studio was cancelled. Learning how to experiment with printmaking while having no access to a press and limited materials was difficult. My work changed greatly at this time moving mostly to small relief prints, but mostly monotypes and collages due to the ease of printing and experimentation. I was forced to reflect on what making art means to me and what my artistic process is.

Over this past year, I have learned that making art is not simply making objects in the studio. It is also observing, responding to, and learning from experiences and challenges that I face in life. As my artistic process evolves, I am attempting to find ways to respond to the world that surrounds me and finding tangible ways to process emotions and experiences.

This is why I emphasize the process of "making" in my work.  Throughout the many stages of a print, I end up experiencing the work in several different ways that lead me to ideas and products that I otherwise would not have naturally discovered.


The images below are mostly my latest monotypes and collage reconstructions